Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Difference between HTML, URL Mode Recording in Loadrunner -Performance Testing

HTML Mode:
  • Default and recommended recording mode.
  • Records HTML action in the context of the current Web page so that all we see on a web page will be recorded in a single function which makes it easier to read.
  • Advantage of this mode is that it generates a script that is intuitive to the reader in terms of what is the form requesting (in a form of entire web page).
  • Best for browser applications.

URL Mode:
  • Instructs VuGen to record all requests and resources from the server. It automatically records every HTTP resource as URL steps.
  • Generates a script that has all known resources downloaded for your viewing which works good with non-HTML applications such as applets and non-browser applications (e.g. Win32 executables).
  • Having everything together creates another problem of overwhelming low-level information and making the script unintuitive. Difficult to read.
  • When there are unrecognizable requests made to the server in Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol, they are recorded as web_custom_request. However, in URL-mode, this can be selected to allow recording to default to web_custom_request.

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