Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stress Testing in Performance Testing

Stress Testing: 

  • Testing the application by gradually increasing the user load on application until it will crash.
  • Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to determine the scalability of a given system. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results.

Purpose: purpose of the stress testing is to know the threshold limit of the application (scalability of the application). Response time will not be considered.

For Example Consider an online application where client requires a specified load of 200 vusers. The application is stable within these requirements. After increasing more than this specified user load at a particular point, the system performance will start to degrade (where it shows high response times and errors). When we pump more vusers application will crash. This point is known as breakdown point.*/  answer is not proper

Another Example is that we have performed testing in our project by giving ramp up of vusers gradually. Till 200 users on the application was stable in terms of service level agreements. After increasing user load up to 250, application was still stable. But when I reached the user load of 300, the application was not stable and the response time is varying and started seeing errors. After 380 vusers application was crash. This point is known as breakdown point.

 So I have decided that with 250 users my application is stable.

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