Thursday, July 21, 2016

Think Time in Loadrunner

Think Time: 

Time wasted by real user between two successful transactions is called Think time
Purpose: To simulate real user actions and real user sessions and reduce burden on server.
There are two options in think time.
  1. Ignore think time
  2. Replay think time

Ignore Think Time: It instructs VUSER to ignore think time .i.e.  It will not consider think time.
Replay Think Time:  There are four options in replay think time.

  • As recorded.
  • Multiply recorded think time by
  • Use random percentage of the recorded think time
  • Limit think time to

As recorded: Use the think time that was recorded during the session
Ex: whatever the value given in lr_think_time(5) it will be considered as recorded think time . Then when we replay it will wait 5 seconds after completion of one transaction and goes to next transaction.
Multiply recorded think time by: use the think time that was multiple of recorded think time.
Ex: if we have think time of 5 seconds, we give 2 in multiple recorded think time.  When we replay it will wait 10 seconds after completion of one transaction and goes to next transaction.
Use random percentage of the recorded think time: Here we set maximum and minimum % value
Ex:  if we give range of 50 to 150% we have think time of 5 seconds in the script pane then the think time should be random value of in between 2.5 to 7.5
Limit think time to: Set the maximum custom think time value.
Ex: suppose if we give some value like 60 seconds. It will wait up to 60 seconds after completion of one transaction and goes to next transaction.

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