Friday, July 29, 2016

Bussiness Critical Scenarios in Performance testing

Business Critical Scenarios

Any application’s core scenarios are called its Business Critical scenarios. Testing and optimizing most frequently accessed scenarios is not all about load testing. In fact performance of the application’s business critical scenarios is more important. These are the application’s core areas and they generate significant amount of revenue for the company. If the users are unable to complete application business processes effectively, it will create a huge frustration among them. In case of an E-commerce application, purchasing a product will be an example of business critical scenario.
Different approaches could be adopted to identify any application’s business critical scenarios. Some of them are as follows:

  • You can consult with application’s major stakeholders especially the marketing department and ask them to provide their input on these scenarios.
  • You can also read the marketing material to identify AUT’s business critical scenarios.
  • Another technique is to browse through the application and use your experience to figure out the business critical scenarios own your own.

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